Monday, January 14, 2013

Salvation, Repentance, Reconciliation

The quote was not the only thing that resonated with me in class last Thursday. 

Our topic... Salvation and Imputed Righteousness. 

We discussed defined words such as -ransomed, redeemed, propitiation, expiation, reconcillation, etc. They are beautiful words--if you never have-look them up. 

It was also mentioned in class.... that we as Christians will have a bent towards how we view our salvation. 

We will either tend to focus on what we have been saved from....or what we are saved to. 

This very much resonated with me. I know I am one who focuses on what I am saved from.....

I see what I deserve-hell.

I tend to sit in my sin. Feel the weight of it.

I can be hard on myself.

The challenge to spend some time focusing on the opposite of my bent...was something I had been missing. 

This I am has already begun to rock my world. 
I will share more of what God is showing me from this soon. 

There was one more piece of this salvation puzzle that God opened my eyes to yesterday. 

He spoke it through a guest pastor who came to speak on Racial Reconcilliation

 Pastor Eric Mason from Philly spoke words of life.  

He started off his messages, by changing his topic. He went broader than a racial topic....He went deeper to the heart of man and our sinful nature. . 

He spoke on the topic of repentance...cultural repentence, because without it....there can be no reconcilliation. 

He spoke from Psalm 51: it. Sit in it.  

One of his first statements..."Repentance does not start with man, but it starts with God. 

Even the very act that I become aware of my sin is... from Him. 

Look around you-people will lie, cheat, steal, and if you have been in the news at all lately more and more, kill. The fact that there is an awareness of my guilt, that I see my wrongs, that I have offended a Holy God, comes from the Holy God, Himself. 

Pastor Mason also noted that we must "throw oursleves on the character of God" The fact that He is slow to anger, forgiving, merciful, steadfast in His love for us. This is what we should be crying out to in our failures. 

Sitting in God'scharacter...His loyal love to us. Feeling the weight of that. 

"Sin can only take me to my sin, not beyond it" 

I heard God say to me, stop sitting in your sin...move beyond it. Look at me.  

So I am looking. 

"Repentance will cause us to long for real transformation."

This is so very true.  

Pastor Eric in closing shared....." Reconcilliation without repentance is phony. Repentance with reconcillation is beautiful Restoration! ....We are a bunch of different looking sinners in need of the same looking cross."
 Amen. Amen. Amen.

So this is where I am today, this is where my journey is taking me.....more into the character of God and it is revealing who I am IN Christ, what I get IN God. 

We have to lift our eyes and take them completely off ourselves....and put them on the cross and the beautiful and awesome character of God. 

This makes me long for more of Him and I am beginning to see how He is better. 

Jeremiah 29: 13 "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."

Click for the link here to the message Racial Reconciliation by @pastoremase

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Greatest Good

 "The greatest good of the gospel is that I get God"
 John Piper

The quote was read in class Thursday morning. 
It has been sitting on my heart.....  

Sitting and lingering. 

Rubbing and revealing.

The greatest good.... is that I get God.
It sounds so grand and beautiful.
It sounds so right.... and yet my heart is so wrong. 

....because I know that He is not my greatest greatest 
This is not even my first time to hear this....but it feels like it. I know the places of my heart that have not heard His grace. The places of my heart that are still out for myself. 

More times than not, I come to God for what He will give me, what He will do for me. Let's just be real here and just get it all out in the open. 

I want Him to do.. what I want Him to do...when I want Him to do it.

There are many things that I have considered to be my greatest good, many of those things He has not given to me: A date. A boyfriend. A husband. A child. A family. Just a few of the not so quiet longings of my heart.   

We all have our list. 

We watch as others receive them with jealousy and envy. Ungrateful for what He has given out of His abundance. So fixated on the thing He could've given but didn't. 

All the while... missing it....

The greatest good is to get God.

So I pray....because I know that I am incapable of changing anything.  I can only plead with the One who raises things from the dead. Help my unbelief and teach me what this means Lord. What does it look like for You to be the greatest good in my life. To be so over joyed to have You and not another thing that you would give to me.

Lord, take this stubborn heart and make it beat for you. 
Make this selfish heart long for you more than the watchmen long for the morning. 
More than the good gifts you give because of your steadfast love oh God. 
Awaken my heart to see your goodness  Lord, to know that You are better than life.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Girl That Traded in Her Running Shoes...

It's been months...and over these months I have traded in my running shoes for barefeet and raw grass.

Wasn't sure how to address such a gap in my blogging.....but it seems the truth is the best response.

I am not a writer, but I'm definitely a communicator of many words. I am insecure in putting all these  many words together to express my heart in written form, but I'm very secure that when I do write, it drives down deep the things of God in my heart.

Running from God

..... that is where I have been the last several years. While running from the things of God, it left nothing of real substinance for me to write about.

Oh, I have run towards many things.....all things that in the end left me empty. A new town, new career, new relationships with men. I have chased after them. Just as Jonah ran the other way... and the prodigal longed for escape...I too thought I could out run God.

Angry.    Bitter.

Those would not have been words I ever thought would define me, but they did. I remember in San Antonio...sitting alone in my one room apartment with all my boxes not even unpacked and with my big mattress on the floor....sitting in the quiet...realizing how very angry I felt. It was starting to ooze out of me. I just couldn't stop it anymore. There were no Christian words that I could muster to change my heart. I would stare at my Bible....knowing where the truth lie...but unable to take hold of it. I thought if I just got away......could pull myself up out of the funk.......a new beginning would mean a new heart.

Oh so wrong.

Somewhere along the way......I just couldn't keep up. I had busied myself with the things of God and forgot how to be the woman in relationship with God. I had questions and doubts. Instead of asking them or expressing them. My pride pushed them down deep. Hoping they would go away. I loved relationship was real....but lacking. It was a list of all the things I had been doing. Just as Satan deceived Eve in the he deceived me with his age old line....."Did God actually say___?"   Slowly the doubt crept in and my self-righteousness increased. Such a deadly combination.

The one thing I didn't count on in all my that the Triune God truly had me. He would never let me go. Salvation is a sealed and done deal. The Father loves his children, and whom He loves, He disciplines. There is nothing more loving. Just as He was sovereign over a giant fish to swallow Jonah, and the prodical to squander too He allowed me to come to the end of myself.

God brought me low.

I begged God just as Jonah in the belly of the whale....if He would just get me out of this place.....I would go back(Jonah Ch. 2).... I would return just as the prodigal. God heard my cry and rescued me. He brought me out of that place and into a place of rest for 10 months.

There was no job to be found.....there was a room that was not mine, but freely given.... a Bible to be read....a time to follow through on what I had commited. The questions that had been buried were spoken in the open. I don't think I have ever experienced such grace, nor gained a true understanding of what it meant to have nothing, but possess everything I needed.

I immediately tried to get into a woman's Bible study at church. It was full. I was determined. God determined more, so I got in. Sitting in a small circle with those women... I knew I had nothing left to hide. The book of James did not deal lightly with my heart and sin had no place to hide.. it's pages were revealing-illuminating. It's a book that already had a special place in my heart. God knew that.

God finally spoke and I knew that I needed to dive deeper into the mess of my heart. There was still the anger just below the surface. I signed up for our Steps program, a part of the recovery ministry at our church. The study was absolutely life changing.

I will never forget sitting in the class so filled with anger.....and my response to a question was just that. I am so angry and mad at God that I don't even have an answer for this question. I will also never forget a girl named Lo coming up to me after class, and asking me if she could be my friend, and my response is still painful to remember because it was so not like me. I had nothing left to give anyone.

This simple northern girl with the bluest eyes I'd ever seen.... offered to be my friend... and I didn't have to do anything. She offered some shade... a place to come and sit. She lent an ear and a story that resonated with my angry heart. Something broke in me. The gospel is always sweet  like that. Sometimes it takes hearing someone else's broken angry story to realize there is hope. We are not alone. We all have questions, fears, and doubts. She offered a book...The Reason for God by Timothy Keller. I walked away with something I hadn't felt in a very long time..


 I found it, the book. It was the last copy in all of Lewisville that day. I devoured it. My heart began to find rest again in truth. As I worked through the gospel each week in class, heard the raw confessions of truth to my left and right. My heart was awakened to all the sin and idolarty upon the alter of self. I came to my senses. God's grace was right there waiting, embracing each cry of repentence. Washing my heart clean.

It has been such a journey, these past three years. I regret the time lost on my selfishness, but know that God has used it to mark me. He has driven His gospel of love and grace down so deep in my heart. There are still places of doubt at times and I am being filled up with His truth. I know to the depths of me that I am sinner in need of the gospel daily. We never arrive as Christians. I have known Christ since I was 3 years old...I will ever be in need of His saving grace till my last breath.

I am currently participating in a Discipleship Program at my church. I am studying the New Testament, Old Testament, and Systematic Theology. I have been so blown away by the grace of this beautiful gospel that I see every morning in my Bible. I am so blessed to walk this road with some very broken and redeemed hearts. I will be sharing my journey here. The things that God reveals to me from class, relationships, and my studies. Hope you might join me.

If you have never put your complete faith and trust in Jesus Christ. I would challenge you today...this seek to know more of the Triune God. His great love for you and me.  He sent His one and only die for us on the cross... to come alive from the dead 3 days later...fulfilling all that is written in the Bible.  He did all this because He loves you and longs for you to know Him. Our sin has broken our relationship with Him....but God has made a way to be reconcilled to Himself...restored...brought back into fellowship with our Creator. 

He desires a relationship with YOU.

 It is only in our brokenness that we see our is in our need that we seek something bigger and greater than ourselves. Look no further than the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ...this is THE way to God. No one comes to the Father except through Christ.(John 14:6)  I pray for you, anyone who reads this blog, that you might see glimpses of His love, grace, power, and might in this broken life. Something about this Triune God might woo your affections too, that you might find yourself humbled at His feet.

Grace and peace to you.

All for Him..

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nothing more to give
Nothing left to take
I keep reaching out for you....
Reaching out for you...
As you turn away...

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I can't believe it has been three years since I have blogged on here!! Well, first things first! Going to read back through my journey and then I will begin where I am now! Excited to be back on! God has done such a amazing things in my life and heart!
SO grateful for His goodness and all He has taken me through!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Jesus Lover Of My Soul..Charles Wesley

Jesus, lover of my soul,
let me to thy bosom fly,
while the nearer waters roll,
while the tempest still is high.
Hide me, O my Savior, hide,
till the storm of life is past;
safe into the haven guide;
O receive my soul at last.

Other refuge have I none,
hangs my helpless soul on thee;
leave, ah! leave me not alone,
still support and comfort me.
All my trust on thee is stayed,
all my help from thee I bring;
cover my defenseless head
with the shadow of thy wing.

Wilt Thou not regard my call?
Wilt Thou not accept my prayer?
Lo! I sink, I faint, I fall-
Lo! on Thee I cast my care;
Reach me out Thy gracious hand!
While I of Thy strength receive,
Hoping against hope I stand,
dying, and behold, I live.

Thou, O Christ, art all I want,
more than all in thee I find;
raise the fallen, cheer the faint,
heal the sick, and lead the blind.
Just and holy is thy name,
I am all unrighteousness;
false and full of sin I am;
thou art full of truth and grace.

Plenteous grace with thee is found,
grace to cover all my sin;
let the healing streams abound,
make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the fountain art,
freely let me take of thee;
spring thou up within my heart;
rise to all eternity.

Retrieved from ",_Lover_of_My_Soul"

While I Am Waiting....

A friend of mine introduced me to this song...and it's so my heart right's where I'm at for various reasons.
I am so thankful He has taken away my desire to date anyone...I really needed a break from all that. I am thankful... He has replaced it with a desire to help kids. He has shown me more needs than I could ever hope to meet. I want to serve Him and worship Him and I will continue to wait on Him.