Wow...God is good all the time....I'm just thankful that I see it right now. There have been too many times I haven't. There are so many things that just keep making me laugh lately...and compelling me to give. Some of it has to do with a message I listened to one Sunday while cleaning. It was a challenge by Francis Chan to live out the the command--"Rejoice in the Lord always....and again I say, Rejoice.(Philp 4:4) His message really impacted me. It was such a great reminder that as a christian...God commands joy of me. He knows all too well that I am but flesh.... and need to be commanded to do this. I feel a bit guilty because I'm in what I would call a "good" place now and... it always seems easier to rejoice when I am in this place. I just pray that I continue with this kind of heart...whatever the circumstances.
I can not express to anyone the kind of joy I have in my heart and in this place. I am so very thankful everyday for my job. It has turned into the greatest opportunity for me to love. The deep kind..that will bring you to the point that it hurts sometimes and I am brought to tears of happiness and sometimes sadness for my precious students. It is the greatest joy I've had in a long time to be an interpreter. I love the challenges and I love my students. I am blown away by their stories and how they have and are overcoming adversity. How blessed I am to know them daily...they teach me much. In many ways I admire them.
Yesterday I was left laughing and in shock over a prank one of my student's pulled....there's nothing like walking over to meet their parent and then as you look over and smile at your student...he finger spells to you..f-o-o-l-e-d you. Only to quickly realize....this dad you have been conversing with is not their dad at all...but some random dad waiting for his son after soccer practice!! Good thing I am a prankster myself so I could absolutely appreciate this. It was the funniest joke someone has played on me in a long while! Well done my friend!
I have found my heart overwhelmed to think of ways to help my students succeed, finding ways to challenge them to rise above where they are at, desperately wanting them to dream big...for some this is the idea of going to college.
I am also nervous and excited to start working as a speech assistant in homes. I love the speech field and know this will be valuable experience. I am eager to learn and pray this will open the doors that I need to be elligible for grad school.
Yes...I have found something I am passionate about. Something that can move me to the core of my being. Something that keeps me day dreaming about how it can be done differently or better. I am so humbled that God would be so gracious to allow me to find it. Yet...this place is not without cost. I have never been so poor and yet so very fulfilled. I have never had nothing to give and yet God provides something for me to I am compelled to give. I cannot claim nothing.... for it is He who is doing it all. I continue to praise Him for His provision and have seen His hand move to provide...but only what is truly needed. I am finding this looks much different than I thought. I am still in awe of one situation. Thank you dear know who you are.
So....I pray I will continue to rejoice.....and again He says to us.....Rejoice!
The Art of Repairing Broken Things
8 years ago
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